#Growing Up Hip-Hop Atlanta
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Darkest Before the Dawn
Chapter 3 : Hand Me Downs
Pairing : Daryl Dixon x f!reader (endgame), (unrequited) Glenn Rhee x f!reader
Series summary : When Glenn Rhee comes into your life, you become convinced he's a guardian angel sent by your late best friend. You think he's your soulmate. But then he falls for the farmer's daughter, and you find that your own angel may be a little more blatant than expected; wings and all.
Chapter summary : Glenn returns from Atlanta, Daryl returns from hunting, and all of you leave on a rescue mission for Merle.
Chapter warnings : language, violence, gore, general twd themes
Word count : 3.8k
A/N : This one wasn't proof-read so if anyone noticed any mistakes please lmk! next update may be a little slower because closing in on the process of adopting a puppy!
Emerging from your tent, you head for Dale immediately. The noise is only growing closer and louder, and everyone is grouped around Dale. The old man looks through his binoculars, eyebrows furrowed. "Well, I'll be damned." Dale mutters.
"What is it?" Amy pushes impatiently.
"A stolen car is my guess."
The bright red sports car pulls into the quarry, and your heart leaps in your chest when you spy the driver. While everyone around panics about the noise, or their still-missing friends, your relief outweighs anything else. You leap onto Glenn, hugging him tight while he attempts to calm Amy. Paying it no mind, you only focus on the way his arms circle around your back to return the hug. It only lasts a couple seconds before he's stepping back to pop the hood for Shane. It's enough, though.
"Why isn't she with you? Where is she? She's okay?" Amy sputters, wide eyed and frantic.
"Yes! Yeah, fine. Everybody is. Well, Merle not so much." Typically you wouldn't care that anything had happened to Merle. You'd even go as far to say, you'd be downright relieved. You wouldn't wish death on anyone, but maybe you'd wish that Merle would somehow be teleported a good 200 miles away from you. But, that relief was only there for a split second. Instead, you felt a deep sense of worry for Daryl.
You didn't know him much at all, hell, he's spoken no more than five sentences to you the entire time you'd known him. None of those sentences were ever delivered in a particularly friendly manner, but just this morning he had helped you. You knew he felt like an outsider, and it seemed the only person in the group he liked was his brother.
Not only were you worried he'd fall into some form of depression if Merle was dead, but you were also worried he'd leave. Daryl provided so much to your group, and whether they realized it or not, everyone owed a lot to him.
You break free of your thoughts just in time to hear Dale scolding Glenn. "It wouldn't hurt you to think things through a little more carefully next time, would it?"
You know Glenn looks up to Dale, can see his worry of disappointing him. "Sorry," Glenn says, staring at his feet. Then, he looks up with a grin. "Got a cool car." That makes you let out a huff of laughter. It is a pretty cool car.
Your attention is stolen away by the sound of tires crunching over gravel, the van pulling in behind the red dodge charger. Andrea is the first to hop out, running to Amy. Morales, T-dog, and Jacqui all spill out after her. Morales greets his wife and children before coming over to give Dale a hug. "I thought we'd lost you folks for sure." Dale laughs.
"How'd y'all get out of there, anyway?" Shane asks, hands on his hips. The classic authoritarian stance he always seems to don.
From beside you, Glenn speaks up. "New guy." He glances to the van. "He got us out." New guy? It's been a while since your group has welcomed a new addition.
Nothing could prepare you for the reaction to the man who steps out of the van. Lori and Shane frozen, absolutely shellshocked. Carl, running and screaming for his father.
Lori recovers after a moment, falling into her husband's awaiting arms. Shane stays where he is, no hint of a smile on his face. You catch him fake one when Rick looks his way. It's not hard to guess what's happening. "Trouble in apocalyptic paradise for Shane and Lori." You whisper to Glenn, who only looks down at his shoes and shakes his head in sardonic amusement.
You get along well enough with Lori, if nothing else but for the simple fact that you adore her son. She's never done anything to make you think less of her, and you really don't blame her for her obvious affair with Shane. She'd told the story to you once or twice. Husband gets shot on the job, comatose, shit hits the fan, husband's best friend takes care of her and her son. And of course, she'd told you the part where Shane had listened for a heartbeat. There was none. Or so it was said.
Who can blame a grieving widow, lost in this shit-storm of a world for seeking comfort in a fling with the man she believes is her savior?
You sit down by the unlit firepit with T-dog and Glenn. T-dog gnaws on a piece of jerky, eyes downcast. "Daryl's not gonna be happy," You start. No one has filled you in exactly on what happened, just that Merle was left chained on the roof. Alive but trapped. "But I'm sure he'll understand to some degree. He's gotta be more tired of his brother than any of us." You joke. T-dog just shakes his head, obviously guilty.
"He was out of control. Rick did the right thing." Glenn tells you. You hum in response, gaze wandering to where Rick wanders around camp, acquainting himself with all it's residents. The deputy must feel your eyes on him, because when he's done shaking Ed's hand, he heads for you. He's all confident strides, a sureness you haven't seen in anyone since the end of the world. You guess it's the effect of finding your wife and child in such unlikely circumstances.
He stops in front of you, hand extended and a smile more full of happiness than you've seen in two months. "Rick Grimes." He introduces.
You return his smile, clasping his hand. "Trust me, I already knew your name. Carl's told me all about how cool his daddy is." He laughs, looking down in a sort of bashful manner. You tell him your name, and he repeats it, nodding to himself.
"Yeah," He drawls. "Turns out I already knew yours, too. Glenn told me you know the city like the back of your hand." You nod. You'd lived in Atlanta before the turn, and you'd only become even more informed on it given the various runs you'd been on.
"Oh yeah. Normally I would've been there, being the one to save Glenn's ass. Glad you were there to fill my shoes." You tease, nudging Glenn with your shoulder. He pushes you back gently, sputtering out defenses.
When you glance back to Rick, he's laughing too.
After the sun had gone to sleep, and the stars brought a bitter chill to the air, everyone gathered around the firepit. Rick has Lori and Carl tucked into his side as he recalls the chain of events leading him back to them. "Disoriented. I guess that comes closest. Disoriented. Fear, confusion; all of those things but, disoriented comes closest."
It must be strange to just wake up in a world like this. At least you had seen things progress. Heard the stories of cannibals on the radio, seen the news clips of deathly beings attacking civilians, watched the hospitals become overrun and the system fall apart. You'd seen the bombs drop, too.
"Words can be meager things, sometimes they fall short." Dale pipes up beside you. You look at Glenn, his face illuminated in a warm glow from the fire. Looking at him lights a sense of comfort and safety within you. He may be young, awkward and clunky, but he saved you.
The conversation goes on, focus almost entirely on Rick. When he turns to Shane, a sincerity to his eyes, you feel almost guilty. As if you are the one harboring the secret of Lori and Shane's affair. "I can't tell you how grateful I am to you, Shane." You have to suppress a sigh at his words. "I can't begin to express it."
"There goes those words falling short again." Dale quips. You can't help but agree. It's not your business, but you feel that words can't begin to express how convoluted the relationship between those three will end up being. How long can you keep secrets from a cop?
Shane leaves shortly after to argue with Ed. Not the first time the drunken man had insisted he needed a larger fire. You keep an eye from your spot, watching Carol and Sophia closely. You don't like Shane, but you know he'd use any excuse to beat on Ed. There's no complaints to be had from you if an altercation between the two started; as long as Carol and Sophia are safe and away from the action.
Somewhat unfortunately, the situation seems to resolve, Shane coming back to the main firepit. "Have you given any thought to Daryl Dixon? He won't be happy to hear his brother was left behind." Dale says once Shane's situated. This time, your sigh does spill out. You weren't a part of the Atlanta group, and yet, all you've been thinking about since they got back was Daryl Dixon.
"I'll tell him," T-dog offers. "I dropped the key, it's on me."
Rick shakes his head. "I cuffed him." You see Glenn shaking his leg from beside you, glancing between T-dog and Rick beyond the fire.
"Guys, it's not a competition. I don't mean to bring race into this, but it might sound better coming from a white guy." Ah, so that's why he was so nervous.
"I really don't think Daryl is like Merle," You say, unsure why you feel the need to defend him. Just because he brought Carol to you? "At least not like that." There were definitely other ways Daryl was like Merle. Their brash language, their unkempt demeanor, and perhaps their general strength and hunting skill. Still, Daryl didn't strike you as a racist.
The conversation goes on, discussing what to tell Daryl. Who to take blame, whether to lie or be honest.
"I stopped long enough to chain that door. Staircase is narrow. Maybe half a dozen geeks can squeeze against it at any one time. It's not enough to break through that. Not that chain, not that padlock." T-dog rambles, the fire crackling loudly as a backtrack to his words. "My point– Dixon's alive and he's still up there, handcuffed on that roof. That's on us."
His confirmation that Merle is alive ends the discussion for the night, the group trickles off into their respective tents, and the fire flickers out. Glenn stands from beside you, announcing his departure. You watch him as he leaves, a coldness taking over in his absence.
You stay behind for a moment, no one left at the fire. A few feet away, Shane sits atop the RV. Paying him no mind, you lean back and stare at the sky. It's moments like these that you allow yourself to remember your best friend; allow yourself to picture her face among the stars. You take a deep breath, feeling it stretch your lungs, before breathing it out into the chilly night air. You imagine it takes the weight in your heart with it. But when you're done, standing up and heading to your tent, your chest feels just as heavy.
Daryl finishes stringing up cans around the small clearing. It's not much, but it's some form of protection. He lies in the makeshift bed–his bag as a pillow and a t-shirt as a mattress. The trip hadn't been as productive thus far as he'd hoped, only a string of squirrels lay beside him. He'll get up before the sun, and keep going until he finds something of value he decides.
He takes comfort in staring at the night sky. It's where he feels he belongs. Even before the end of the world, he'd spent most nights sleeping outside in nature. It was always safer. In some way, he does find himself feeling more exposed without the knowledge that there are people around him. At the quarry, there's always someone keeping watch. He couldn't trust Merle to keep sober to watch his back.
But soon enough, it'll be back to just him and Merle. He'll have to deal with it.
You, Carol, and Lori are on laundry duty this morning. Carol scrubs Rick's sherrif uniform and something about it almost makes you giggle. Wearing a police uniform in the apocalypse is nothing short of something from a comic book.
You have Glenn's hat, trying to spot clean little dried blood stains. "I wish peroxide wasn't as valuable," You comment, scrubbing with all your might on a particularly stubborn stain. "Used to wash out blood like magic." Carol hums, agreeing. Lori stays silent, working on her own laundry with a faraway look.
"Everything okay with you and Rick?" Carol asks, touching Lori's arm gently with a soapy hand. Lori nearly jumps out of her skin, water splashing from her basin. Suds fly through the air, and to your great displeasure, a splotch of soap lands right in your eye.
"Ow, shit!" You cry, dropping Glenn's hat and covering your eye. Lori frantically apologizes.
Due to your momentary loss of vision, you don't notice Glenn approaching you until he's calling out. "Hey, you okay? Let me see," He says. You tilt your head up, trying your best to open your eye. He takes the corner of his shirt and lifts it, using it to gently brush soap away from your eye.
His care for you makes you warm. It feels good to know someone cares. You rapidly blink to clear the remnants of soap, before flashing him a radiant smile. "Thanks." You breathe.
Later, you stand next to Glenn, sharing in his grief. Dale and Jim are under the hood of the Dodge Charger, yanking out parts and pieces. Glenn's hands are on his head, brows furrowed in sadness. You pat him on the back. "We'll find another."
"Generators need every drop of fuel they can get. Got no power without it. Sorry, Glenn." Dale calls. Glenn looks down at his feet and you giggle, much to his chagrin.
Before you know it, Rick has approached you, a similar look of amusement on his face. "I thought I'd get to drive it at least a few more days." Glenn mumbles.
"Maybe we'll steal another one someday." Rick echoes your earlier sentiment. He wanders off, likely to find Lori.
"You replacing me with officer friendly?" You joke, nudging Glenn. He exhales through his nose, a small grin on his face.
"I don't know who makes fun of me more." He whines. You roll your eyes, reaching up to steal his hat off his head. Placing it on top your own, you turn and run, laughing while he chases you.
The chase gets cut short by a chorus of screams. You and Glenn freeze in unison, wide eyes meeting each other before you both dash. You hear Carl and Sophia's distinct voices calling out for their mothers.
You run as fast as your feet can carry you, Glenn's hat discarded still on your head. The children are at the edge of the forest, and as the adults arrive, they all run right into their parents arms. Running into the forest behind them, you all find the culprit. A deer, now dead, with a walker feasting on its innards. Your eyes are drawn to the various arrows sticking out of it.
The men jump into action, beating the walker with various objects. It reminds you of prison beatings in movies; ugly, uncoordinated, and inefficient. When they finish, the grunts and huffs silenced, you point to the arrows. "Daryl." You simply offer.
Shane nods, but otherwise they seem to ignore you. "It's the first one we've had up here. They never come this far up the mountain." Dale says, eyes wide.
Suddenly, the tree branches start to move and dried leaves crunch under the weight of something. You all gear up to fight another walker, when Daryl Dixon comes stumbling out of the woods. There's a level of relief to seeing him, knowing that your group didn't lose both their prize hunters in one fell swoop. But there's also a level of dread, a sinking weight in your stomach when you think of the news that needs delivering.
You don't get to think on it long, for Daryl interrupts your thoughts with an outburst. "Son of a bitch. That's my deer! Look at it. All gnawed on by this–" He starts kicking the walker. "–filthy, disease-bearin', motherless, poxy bastard!" You can't help but laugh. You really don't mean to, don't want him to think you're mocking him. The giggles just tumble out one-by-one, unstoppable in their path.
Everyone pauses to look at you, varying degrees of concern and confusion, but you just can't stop laughing. Daryl narrows his eyes at you, "This funny to ya?" You can't answer through your huffs, so Daryl just scoffs, turning his attention back to the walker. It receives one more swift kick to the side.
Dale extends his arm in a notion to stop. "Calm down, son. That's not helping." You know it from the moment it leaves his lips that he'll receive an earful for this. It simply doesn't work to tell a man like Daryl to 'calm down'.
Just as expected, Dale receives the opposite of the intended reaction. "What do you know about it, old man? Why don't ya take that stupid hat and go back to 'on golden pond'?" You, for one, think Dale's bucket hat is very stylish, and you'd let him know that on multiple occasions.
"I've been tracking this deer for miles. Gonna drag it back to camp, cook us up some venison. What do ya think? Do ya think we can cut around this chewed up part right here?" He seems genuine, chewing on his thumb and contemplating with a furrowed brow.
"I would not risk that." Shane says. Daryl sighs, disappointment evident.
"That's a damn shame. I got some squirrel, about a dozen or so. That'll have to do." Daryl moves to leave, and you start to follow behind him.
Suddenly, the decapitated walkers head breathes life once more, snapping it's teeth and groaning. Daryl stops in his tracks, almost making you face-plant right into his back. "Come on, people. What the hell?" He readies his crossbow, shooting the decaying head right between the eyes.
"It's gotta be the brain. Don't y'all know nothing?"
Daryl makes it back to the camp first, tossing his string of squirrels by the firepit. "Merle! Get yer ugly ass out here, got us some squirrel! Let's stew 'em up!" He does find it strange that Merle doesn't immediately respond, knowing how loose Merle's jaw is.
Shane's voice, his tone, sends a spiral of uncertainty through him. "Daryl, just slow up a bit, need to talk to you."
Daryl whips around to face Shane. "About what?" Shane places his hands over his belt buckle, eyes darting away from Daryl.
"About Merle. There was a–There was a problem in Atlanta." Daryl let's the words sink in, nodding slowly. He feels that all too familiar lump in his throat, panic digging her claws into his esophagus.
"He dead?" He thinks he must be. What else could Shane be referring to?
"We're not sure." Shane says. That lights a fire in Daryl. Uncertainty has never been his friend. Things didn't feel real without confirmation.
"He either is or he ain't!"
Rick approaches, hand out as if Daryl was some rabid animal. "No easy way to say this, so I'll just say it."
"Who are you?" Daryl snaps, looking this new guy up and down. He looks past him, to everyone at camp, who seems to not bat an eye at the newcomer. The hell did he miss?
"Rick Grimes." The confidence that Rick delivers his name in only makes Daryl more angry.
Daryl huffs, stepping closer to Rick, chest puffed. "Rick grimes, you got something you want to tell me?"
"Your brother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal." Rick tilts his head, locking eyes with Daryl. "He's still there."
Daryl almost laughs, a bitter, angry laugh at the absurdity. "Hold on. Let me process this." He gestures to his head. "You're saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof and you left him there?" He yells.
"Yeah." Next thing Daryl knows, he's pulled his knife and Shane has him in a chokehold.
"You'd best let me go!" He screeches, thrashing wildly.
Shane only seems to tighten his grip. "Nah, I think it's better if I don't."
"Choke hold's illegal."
Shane has an air of amusement in his tone when he responds, but nothings funny to Daryl right now. "You can file a complaint. Come on, man. We'll keep this up all day."
Rick crouches down to look Daryl in his eye. "I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic. Do you think we can manage that? Do you think we can manage that?"
Its not Rick's request, or his condescending tone that causes Daryl to agree. It's not Shane's grip either. It's when he looks behind them, to you.
You, with your eyes full of not fear or worry, but of sympathy. It makes shame burn in him, enveloping his body in an overwhelming and uncomfortable warmth. He feels your eyes on him and he feels your pity and it makes him sick. He needs out. If he has to have a peaceful conversation with Rick to get away from your piercing eyes, then so be it.
Imagine Daryl's thrill when Rick proposes you and Glenn to join in the rescue mission for Merle. He'd said something about you and Glenn knowing the city, needing you to retrieve a bag of guns. Daryl narrows his eyes at you and Glenn when you pack into the back of the van. You've still got the kid's hat on, and something about that makes him uncomfortable. Who has time for love in this world?
The ride is mostly silent, some jokes exchanged between you, Glenn, and T-dog. Nothing Daryl pays much attention to. He'd rather go get his brother himself. Eventually Glenn stops the van. "We walk from here."
On the walk, Daryl's heart speeds up the closer he gets to the department store. He's antsy, just wants to see his brother, dead or alive. You seem to notice, speeding your steps a bit to walk in pace with him. "I'm sure he's okay. You Dixons are tough." Daryl just scoffs, refusing to meet your eye.
Each step up to the roof sends a new wave of nerves through his stomach, so he takes them two at a time. T-dog cuts through the padlock and Daryl brushes past him onto the roof. "Merle!" And then he sees it. Grey and decaying, bloody and lifeless. It reminds Daryl of everything else Merle has left for him.
All the ripped old flannels, the half drank beers, hell, even the aged porno mags with the ink smeared and half the pages falling out. Merle never left anything pleasant for Daryl.
Though, while sobbing over Merle's dismembered hand, he has to say that this is the worst hand me down of all.
taglist(open): @celtic-crossbow
#daryl dixion imagine#daryl dixon#daryl fanfiction#daryl imagines#daryl x female reader#daryl x reader#daryl x y/n#daryl x you#the walking dead daryl#dbtd#the walking dead#twd imagine#twd fanfiction#twd daryl
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Niatia Jessica Kirkland (October 4, 1989) known by her stage name Lil Mama, is a rapper, singer, actress, and television presenter from Brooklyn and Harlem. She experienced top 10 Billboard placements at seventeen with her debut album VYP (Voice of the Young People) which debuted at #25 on the Billboard 200. The album spawned her four major singles including her staple song and dance anthem “Lip Gloss”, earning her two Teen Choice Awards and Monster Single of the Year nominations at the MTV VMAs. She gained further attention in Pop music after collaborating on the remix of her hit single “Girlfriend”.
She took a hiatus from music after the success of her hit single “Hustler Girl” to stay focused on serving as a judge for a total of seven seasons on America’s Best Dance Crew (2008–12) which made her one of the youngest judges on any competitive television show in history.
She was cast in her breakout role as the late Hip-Hop artist Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes, in CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story, which aired in October 2013. From the success of the film, she joined TLC (group) on their tour for their Greatest Hits album. She got the opportunity to perform a tribute to the late rapper at the 2013 American Music Awards performing the Grammy Award-winning song “Waterfalls”.
She returned to music, making new tracks with fellow rapper MC Lyte on her single “Ball”. She made Billboard history again with her song “Sausage” at the BET Awards. She appeared on multiple magazine covers and was back on television with Growing Up Hip Hop: Atlanta.
On June 13, 2019, she starred in the movie All In.
She is the older sister of underground rapper and dancer Arnstar, who was a regular on the Wild ‘n Out series. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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New sims townies ideas
1. Amara Vasquez
• Aesthetic: Bohemian
• Traits: Loves Outdoors, Creative, Cheerful
• Aspiration: Freelance Botanist (Gardener)
• Origin: Mexico
• Appearance: Wears flowy, earth-toned clothes, lots of handmade jewelry, and has long, wavy black hair. She has a warm, glowing complexion and often walks barefoot.
• Backstory: Amara was born in a small town in Mexico, surrounded by nature and wildflowers.
She spent her childhood outdoors, fascinated by plants and their healing properties. Now, she lives in a cozy home with a wild garden in the city, making her own herbal remedies. Amara's dream is to open an apothecary shop and teach others about natural healing.
2. Sakura Tanaka
• Aesthetic: Cyberpunk
• Traits: Genius, Ambitious, Loner
• Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
• Origin: Japan
• Appearance: Sakura has neon-colored hair (often pink or blue), sharp makeup, and futuristic, tech-inspired clothing. She's lean with a cool, detached vibe, always wearing a headset or high-tech accessories.
• Backstory: Born in Tokyo, Sakura was always fascinated by technology. She became a top hacker in the underground scene, making a name for herself in the virtual world. Despite her rebellious streak, Sakura's main goal is to fight corruption in the corporate world, though she's willing to bend the rules to do so.
3. Mia Rossi
• Aesthetic: High Fashion / Chic
• Traits: Snob, Self-Assured, Perfectionist
• Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity
• Origin: Italy
• Appearance: Mia has flawless skin, sharp cheekbones, and always wears the latest fashion trends. She prefers sleek, form-fitting dresses, bold makeup, and high heels, with platinum blonde hair styled to perfection.
• Backstory: Raised in Milan, Italy, Mia always dreamed of the runway. She worked hard to climb the fashion industry ladder, and now she's a well-known model and fashion icon. Mia is driven by fame and success, but she also has a secret passion for designing her own clothing line.
4. Aisha Carter
• Aesthetic: Athletic / Streetwear
• Traits: Active, Bro, Outgoing
• Aspiration: Bodybuilder
• Origin: USA (Atlanta)
• Appearance: Athletic build, muscular arms, and legs. She wears stylish athletic gear, often in bold colors, with her hair in braids or a high ponytail. Her style is a mix of streetwear and gym clothes.
• Backstory: Growing up in Atlanta, Aisha was always into sports. She played basketball in high school and eventually became a personal trainer.
Her goal is to open her own gym and inspire young women to embrace fitness and strength. Aisha is all about community and often organizes local sports events.
5. Leonardo "Leo" De Luca
• Aesthetic: Classic Italian / Sophisticated
• Traits: Romantic, Family-Oriented, Ambitious
• Aspiration: Successful Lineage
• Origin: Italy
• Appearance: Slicked-back dark brown hair, a well-groomed beard, and sharp, tailored suits. He exudes confidence and style, often accessorizing with watches and leather shoes.
• Backstory: Born into a wealthy family in Florence, Italy, Leonardo grew up appreciating fine art, good food, and family values. Now a successful businessman, he balances his corporate life with a deep desire to build a close-knit family of his own.
He dreams of being a role model for his future children, passing down his love for culture and tradition.
6. Jamal Thompson
• Aesthetic: Hip Hop / Urban Streetwear
• Traits: Music Lover, Creative, Outgoing
• Aspiration: Musical Genius
• Origin: USA (Brooklyn)
• Appearance: Jamal has dreadlocks, wears oversized hoodies, gold chains, and streetwear brands. He has a laid-back, cool demeanor, with tattoos that reflect his artistic and cultural roots.
• Backstory: Raised in Brooklyn, New York, Jamal always had a deep connection with hip-hop culture. He began writing rap lyrics and producing beats as a teen, inspired by the rhythm of city life.
His dream is to become a world-famous rapper and producer, using his music to inspire and tell stories from his community.
7. Bjorn Eriksen
• Aesthetic: Outdoorsy / Adventurer
• Traits: Loves Outdoors, Active, Loner
• Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
• Origin: Norway
• Appearance: Tall and muscular with a rugged, weathered look. He has a beard and long blonde hair tied in a bun, often wearing practical outdoor gear like flannel shirts, cargo pants, and hiking boots.
• Backstory: Bjorn grew up in the rugged landscapes of Norway, where he learned to appreciate the power and beauty of nature. He's an avid hiker, fisher, and survivalist, often disappearing into the mountains for days at a time.
Bjorn prefers solitude and is happiest when he's surrounded by forests, lakes, and wildlife. His dream is to travel the world and conquer every major mountain.
8. Ethan Park
• Aesthetic: Tech-Savvy / Modern Geek
• Traits: Genius, Geek, Ambitious
• Aspiration: Computer Whiz
• Origin: South Korea
• Appearance: Wears graphic t-shirts, hoodies, and glasses. He has short, neatly styled black hair, and he's always carrying a laptop or some sort of gadget. He has a casual, nerdy look, but with a sharp edge when it comes to his work.
• Backstory: Ethan was born in Seoul, South Korea, but moved to Silicon Valley to pursue his dream of working in the tech industry. A programming prodigy, he's working on a start-up that he hopes will revolutionize the gaming world. Though he's a bit socially awkward, Ethan is determined to become a leading tech innovator, while staying connected to his geeky hobbies like gaming and comic books.
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Middle School: Biology Immune Soundtrack
Genres: Hip Hop • R&B • Alternative Rock
Track Listing:
Air Force Ones - St. Lunatics
Let Me Blow Your Mind - Eve ft. Gwen Stefani
The Hell Song - Sum 41
What If - Aaliyah
Foolish - Ashanti
Ruff Ryders Anthem - DMX
Hot In Herre - Nelly
Lose Yourself - Eminem
Jenny From The Block - Jennifer Lopez
Caramel - City High ft. Eve
Full Moon - Brandy
Work It - Missy Elliott
Still Fly - Big Tymers
Sk8ter Boi - Avril Lavigne
The Anthem - Good Charlotte
Grow Up - Simple Plan
All The Small Things - Blink-182
Uh-Huh - B2K
Good Times - Styles P
All I Have - LL Cool J ft. Jennifer Lopez
It's The Weekend - Lil J ft. Kandi
No Scrubs - TLC
Po' Folks - Nappy Roots
Stingy - Ginuwine
Too Hood - Monica
Still Dre - Dr. Dre
Ooh, Ooh - Willa Ford
Where The Party At - Jagged Edge
Stay The Night - IMX
Call Me - Tweet
Welcome to Atlanta - Jermaine Dupri
Addictive - Truth Hurts
Thug Lovin' - Ja Rule ft. Bobby Brown
I Wanna Know - Joe
Playas Gon' Play - 3LW
U Got It Bad - Usher
Braid My Hair - Mario
Wait A Minute - Ray J ft. Lil Kim
Just In Case - Nivea
I Heard It All Before - Sunshine Anderson
2 Way - Lil Romeo
Gangsta's Paradise - Coolio
Steelo - 702 ft. Missy Elliott
I Do - Blaque ft. Lisa "Left-Eye" Lopes
All I Need - Aaliyah
I'm A Thug - Trick Daddy
What's My Age Again - Blink-182
Basket Case - Green Day
Flavor Of The Weak - American Hi-Fi
Still Waiting - Sum 41
Party Hard - Andrew W.K
Turn It Out - De La Soul ft. Elizabeth "Yummy" Bingham
Makin' Good Love - Avant
You Know That I Love You - Dontell Jones
7 Days - Craig David
Why Did You Have to Be - Debelah Morgan
Why Don't We Fall In Love - Amerie
I Should Be... - Dru Hill
Mesmerize - Ja Rule ft. Ashanti
Solo Star - Solange
Fabulous - Jaheim
Punk Rock 101 - Bowling For Soup
Fome Is Dape - Little T and One Track Mike
It Wasn't Me - Shaggy
Bounce With Me - Lil Bow Wow ft. Xscape
Bootylicious - Destiny's Child
Unpretty - TLC
Bad Boy For Life - Diddy
Who's That Girl - Eve
Welcome to Paradise - Green Day
Come On, Come On - Smash Mouth
Bounce - System Of a Down
Ms. Jackson - Outkast
Open - Brandy
We Need a Resolution - Aaliyah
Lapdance - N.E.R.D
Hey Ma - Cam'ron
Case Of The Ex (What'cha Gonna Do) - Mýa
Break Ya Neck - Busta Rhymes
Area Codes - Ludacris
Take It To Da House - Trick Daddy
Here We Go Again - Nappy Roots
Without Me - Eminem
Watch Me Do My Thing - IMX
Key To My Heart - Craig David
Summer In The City - St. Lunatics
2nd Best - Cherise ft. Dino
Cool Daddy Cool - Kid Rock ft. Joe C
Who's There - Smash Mouth
Perfect - Simple Plan
Girl All The Bad Guys Want - Bowling For Soup
One Step Closer - Linkin Park
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
Toxicity - System Of a Down
Pull Over - Trina
In Da Wind - Trick Daddy
What Would You Do - City High
Rider Like Me - Ezekiel Lewis
U Don't Got To Call - Usher
Don't Mess With My Man - Nivea ft. Jagged Edge
Dilemma - Nelly ft. Kelly Rowland
Big Ball - Drama
Freaks Come Out At Night - Uncle Kracker
Back That Azz Up - Juvenile
What About Us - Brandy
Satellite - P.O.D
Formal Invite - Ray J ft. Pharrell Williams
Jump - Kriss Kross
It's Tricky - Run DMC
Intergalactic - Beastie Boys
Waterfalls - TLC
More Than a Woman - Aaliyah
Son Of a Gun - Janet Jackson
Knock Yourself Out - Jadakiss
You Rock My World - Michael Jackson
Can't Deny It - Fabulous
Move Bitch - Ludacris
Love Me or Leave Me - Ms. Toi
I’m Real - Jennifer Lopez ft. Ja Rule
Fallin' - Alicia Keys
Video - India.Arie
How You Remind Me - Nickelback
Private Eye - Alkaline Trio
The Rock Show - Blink-182
Fat Lip - Sum 41
The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
She Is Beautiful - Andrew W.K
Complicated - Avril Lavigne
Take It Off - The Donnas
I'm Just a Kid - Simple Plan
Swing, Swing - The All-American Rejects
The Real Slim Shady - Eminem
Country Grammar (Hot Shit) - Nelly
The Next Episode - Dr. Dre ft. Snoop Dogg
Get Ur Freak On - Missy Elliott
It's All About Me - Mýa
The Boy Is Mine - Brandy and Monica
Fill Me In - Craig David
Independent Women - Destiny's Child
Don't Think I'm Not - Kandi
Opps (Oh My) - Tweet
No More Drama - Mary J. Blige
Love Don't Cost a Thing - Jennifer Lopez
Island in the Sun - Weezer
Rollout (My Business) - Ludacris
No More (Baby I'ma Do Right) - 3LW
As If - Blaque
#middle school biology immune#middle school the worst days of my life#middle school#2002#osmosis jones#ozzy and drix#soundtrack#hip hop#r&b#alternative rock
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LUCKI shares "Heavy On My Heart" video from new 'GEMINI!' LP
After receiving heavyweight co-signs from both Drake and Lil Baby, Chicago underground legend LUCKI has just shared the video for "Heavy On My Heart" from his new album GEMINI!— out now. The project boasts features from A-listers Future, Lil Yachty, Veeze, Rylo Rodriguez, and 42 Dugg, as well as production from sonic tastemakers Tay Keith, Wheezy, Southside, and Bobby Raps. GEMINI! arrives on the heels of the announcement that LUCKI's first US headlining tour, The Gemini Tour, will kick off on July 18th in Raleigh, NC. Produced by Live Nation, the 27-date tour will make stops in Miami, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Boston, Brooklyn, and more before wrapping up on September 7th in Atlanta, GA. The recently-released 2-pack of singles titled 2 Faced, Pt. 2 (the Coupe-produced "Heavy On My Heart" and the��Brent Rambo-produced "Courtesy Of") offered the first glimpse into LUCKI's follow-up to 2023's s*x m*ney dr*gs, with the former serving as an upbeat outing buoyed by LUCKI's candid bars over a soulful instrumental while the latter is a hard-hitting victory lap draped in his distinct raspy flow. A longtime staple of Chicago’s underground scene, LUCKI’s hazy cloud rap confessionals saw the then-teenager grow a cult following in the Windy City and beyond before garnering mainstream recognition with his 2022 debut album FLAWLESS LIKE ME (which had appearances from Future and Babyface Ray) and hit track “New Drank”(200M+ Streams). GEMINI! marks LUCKI’s first full-length outing since the aforementioned s*x m*ney dr*gs and arrives on the heels of a high-profile appearance on “Broke phone” (7M+ Streams) from Veeze's 2023 album Ganger as well as a strong run of 2024 singles, including “PAIDNFULL”, “COLORFUL DRUGS”, and most recently “All Love”, where he linked with Lyrical Lemonade for a Cole Bennett-directed music video, as well as a guest outing on Southside’s latest track “Elegant”.
LUCKI’s fourth full-length album GEMINI! marks the entry point into what will be a busy summer for the Chicago artist. After performing at last weekend’s Lyrical Lemonade Summer Smash, he's currently slated to make an appearance at Rolling Loud before embarking on his nationwide headlining Gemini Tour — with a fall European tour also on the horizon. An artist as multifaceted as his star sign, LUCKI has grown from an underground Chicago mainstay into a critically-acclaimed international icon, using hazy cloud rap confessionals to pave the way for the sound of modern Hip-Hop. With his GEMINI! era officially in motion, LUCKI is continuing to assert his legacy while proving just how far his movement has carried over the past decade.
#lucki#lucki eck$#deadboylife#deadboilife#heavy on my heart#gemini#gemini!#spotify#youtube#music#artist#musician#soundcloud#culture#rapper#art#rap#chicago#chicago artist#chicago artists#chiraq#underground rapper#underground artist#underground hip hop#underground music#Youtube
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I feel like talking about music. I'm gonna post 7 albums that describe me. Shit that shaped my worldview, reflects my aesthetics, and all that other stuff. Puttin it under read more so no one's dash gets clogged.
I'm a huge fan of southern Hip Hop. It's dense and eclectic and always so full of life and culture, everything from Andre 3000's thick Atlanta twang on Intl Players Anthem to DJ Paul's production on any given Three 6 Mafia project, it's just my shit. It all speaks to the state of living in the south and has made so much impact on the broader state of Hip Hop. especially in the modern day.
This album feels....so personal. Like coming back home and meeting up with an old friend and realizing you both still know that secret handshake you made up in middle school, or watching the emotional climax of a coming of age movie. I was as wild as I was loving in my youth, so tracks like Ricky and Speedboat and Shake 88 which reference everything from getting in fights in your high school Dickies and football hoodies to escaping hood life to spitting bars about neighborhood bad bitches. It just speaks to me and my experiences, It's always good to know there are other black dudes out there writing love letters and cautionary tales about the violent environments and close knit & loving cultures that surrounded them in their youths spent below the bible belt. I wish I'd had this album when I was 17.
I've been listening to Cobra Starship since I was about 15, and this album has never left my all time greats. It's so fucking fun, like an 18 year old stole his dad's credit card and drove up with his friends to hang in NYC with fake IDs. The bragging, slightly macho, slightly cynical, fun but not too stupid persona Gabe Saporta personifies on this album speaks to me so deeply and shaped me into the man I am today. He has the cynicism and self aware, sarcastic edge that only a former Punk making dance music could have.
Around the age of 13 I was carrying a massive weight; some of it was dysphoria, some of it was internalized racism, some of it was just plain average shit that comes with the territory of being a child under capitalist patriarchy. I felt lost and misunderstood, until I found this album completely by accident. Tracks like Home and Drown spoke to my experiences with abuse and the intense bouts of willpower and self sufficiency that I knew I was capable of but didn't have the courage to act on. I'd put these songs on in my room and drift away, all the pressures my parents and friends and school had put on me just washing away. It was loud and raw and angry and fueled the newfound passion and teen rebellion that would make up the majority of my teens and shape my worldview in adulthood.
The aggressive machismo on this album and the general fuckboy-isms of it all speak to me. Bars like "you want a whore in a white dress, I want a wife with a thong" and verses like "I got that dick in her mouth all day" are just standouts. Just laying everything out, speaking your mind, holding back no punches. The album also weaves in tracks about police brutality, class warfare, and the harsh reality of being pushed to do things you aren't proud of to make ends meet (Killer Mike has a bar about having to sell cocaine to a pregnant woman, and another about his wife being shot by police in front of his son.) I honestly can't see who wouldn't be changed after listening to this, or at least feel seen. It's a no skip banger from beginning to end, if you really wanna understand the essence of Jared, this is it.
Growing up a black kid who liked rock music was extremely taboo, back in the day. It earned you some level of alienation in both black and white dominated spaces. I'd always felt in between worlds; The gritty realism of Hip Hop spoke to me just as the maniacal, commanding essence of Rock and Metal did, and it seemed neither party wanted much to do with me.
Imagine my excitement in 2022 when I find out about Soul Glo, an all black Punk band from my town, who frequently scream their hearts out about everything from police brutality to fake friends to feeling ostracization and tokenization as a black Punk band, with absurd humor and such intense display of vulnerability unlike anything I'd seen before. Finally, I thought, a band that understands me. A band for guys like me.
I got way too high on acid while solo tripping last year and spent a lot of that trip freaking the fuck out. Doom Metal was too much, looking in the mirror was too much, watching tv was too much, everything was just too fucking much.
Except for this record.
This record saved my life and got me into Rap music again. I've cried to it as many times as I've lifted and shaken my ass to it. Though I've never been involved in the street life-- especially not to the degree that Havoc and Prodigy lay claim to-- I grew up privy to it. My environment was incredibly violent. A lot of moralizing by mass media and white people of all backgrounds was lost on me; my father sold drugs to keep me fed and to put Christmas presents under the table, and he'd brought a couple of sex workers into the mix as well (all of whom were incredibly kind women), I felt if anything or anyone was failing, it was the justice system that put guys in these positions.
This album is fucking ruthless. The Jazz and Boom Bap elements add depth to it that I can't really say any other Jazz or Boom Bap rap album has done the same way since. It's also incredibly vulnerable at times. These guys have more nuance and versatility than any other rapper of their time, and it speaks to me as a black dude of working background and experience.
Anyone who's followed me for more than a day knows how much I love Eminem. I think he's witty, charming, funny, and a really down to Earth dude, which probably sounds insane considering the amount of violence and bigotry he spews on the mic at any given time.
This album practically shaped my life and the way I internalize other people's opinions of me. As a kid, I grew up with a pretty abusive mom, and as such always felt the need to apologize or shrink in on myself just for existing. I hadn't really learned how to nurture the spirit until Eminem. The rage, the insanity, and the violence, was all a sheen for an album that truly told a story of how to power through life only trusting yourself and a few other insane, close friends, but most importantly to not let anything get you down and to simply not give a fuck (and to tell anyone who insists otherwise to get on their knees and suck it). The guy spoke real shit and had the credentials to prove it, he knew what he was about and made his dreams a reality, and that was awesome to me.
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Wysleep – A New Music Producer Blending Japanese fusion & Smooth Ethiopian Jazz Influences with Hip-Hop Vibes Inspired by Missy Elliott, Larry June, Curren$y, and Cardo Got Wings, Infused with the Hushed Essence of Beaches"
In the heart of Los Angeles, a musical designer is brewing up a unique blend of Ethiopian jazz, Japanese jazz to sounds of Western Europe and contemporary beats. Meet Wysleep, a talented artist and music producer, born and raised in Atlanta & Dallas, Texas. Wysleep journey from the heart of the Lone Star State to the bustling streets of Los Angeles has shaped their distinct style and sound, blending influences from their upbringing with their passion for hip-hop and street music fashion.
Growing up in Dallas, Wysleep was surrounded by a rich tapestry of musical influences, from the soulful sounds of 90s smooth jazz to the infectious beats of southern hip-hop. It was here that they first discovered their love for music and began to experiment with production, drawing inspiration from the likes of Missy Elliott, Curren$y, and Cardo Got Wings. As they honed their craft, Wysleep’s sound evolved, incorporating elements of jazz, hip-hop, and electronic music into a seamless fusion that defies genre boundaries.
But it wasn’t just the music scene in Dallas that shaped Wysleep’s artistic journey
As Wysleep’s passion for music grew, so too did their interest in fashion. Drawing inspiration from the eclectic street style of Dallas and the avant-garde aesthetics of hip-hop culture, they began to experiment with clothing design, creating garments that were as bold and innovative as their music. It was during this time that Wysleep realized the interconnectedness of music and fashion, seeing both as powerful forms of self-expression and creativity.
With their sights set on new horizons, Wysleep made the bold decision to move to Los Angeles, taking a serious step toward pursuing their talents and realizing their creative vision. It was here that he found the perfect environment to nurture their artistry, surrounded by a diverse community of artists and musicians who shared their passion for pushing the boundaries of music and fashion.
Today, Wysleep’s music reflects the culmination of their journey – a seamless fusion of smooth jazz influences, hip-hop vibes inspired by artists like Larry June, Curren$y, and Cardo Got Wings, and the vibe and essence of beaches. From the laid-back grooves of their beats to the intricate sample chops that pay homage to the greats of hip-hop production, each track is a testament to Wysleep’s dedication to their craft and their unwavering commitment to authenticity.

As Wysleep continues to make waves in the music scene and captivate audiences with their innovative designs, one thing is clear: their journey is far from over. With each new track and every new collection, he pushes the boundaries of what’s possible, redefining the intersections of music and fashion and inspiring others to follow their creative passions.
And to those wondering about the meaning behind the name “Wysleep,” it stands for “Why’d You Sleep Longer Expecting Excellence Pretentiously?” – a reminder to always strive for greatness and never settle for anything less.
Follow The Artists for more
Music producer & Designer https://www.instagram.com/imissyouwysleep?igsh=YzAwZjE1ZTI0Zg%3D%3D&utm_source=qr
Photographer & Designer https://www.instagram.com/cha.melle?igsh=YzAwZjE1ZTI0Zg==
Single out Now!!
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A Sonic Fusion of Potential and Groove in Daniel Strongman's "Big Brudda" The soul of A-town has found its pulsating rhythm through the youthful vibrancy of one of its talents. The dynamic Atlanta-based artist, Daniel Strongman, proves his growing reputation as a musical force with his much-awaited second single, "Big Brudda", cementing his standing among the fresh-progeny of afro hip-hop artists rising from the South. https://open.spotify.com/track/2zSO51rvZIuS2oSoWS7HIS Describing the tune merely as “super catchy” would be an understatement. Continuously proving himself more than capable in blending aesthetics and elements from varying genres, Strongman's "Big Brudda" emerges as a compelling fusion of afro-hip-hop infused with some mid-tempo Afrobeats funk that lures listeners into dancing right off their seats. Yet it is upon reaching the infectious hook where "Big Brudda" really zeroes in on your attention. It creeps up on you like a rhythmic phantom — subdued yet consistent until it engulfs you completely causing involuntary head bobs or an uncontrollable foot tap. This showing is indeed further testament to Daniel’s prowess in weaving hooks laden with earworm qualities. Strongman’s lyrical delivery is equally commendable - succinct but full-bodied. His laid-back vocal style invites casual introspection, breathing life into the intrinsic theme presented by "Big Brudda". In essence, it’s an exploration and acceptance of one's future potential within the present self, a commendable concoction of motivation and self-realisation bundled in a feel-good arrangement. [caption id="attachment_52177" align="alignnone" width="1125"] A Sonic Fusion of Potential and Groove in Daniel Strongman's "Big Brudda"[/caption] Yet, what ultimately distinguishes this track from being just another blip on the radar is its evocative power. "Big Brudda" paints vibrant pictures of joyous barbecues and sun-bathed boulevards of the Atlanta streets while being emotionally engaging. Like a summer breeze, it manages to be invigorating and calming simultaneously. All things considered, "Big Brudda" works as both an earnest introspective anthem for self-actualization as well as a meticulously crafted soundtrack perfectly suited for those fond of a hip-swaying, dancehall vibe-fest. It stands tall as an eloquent testament to Daniel Strongman's emerging capacity as an artist that stretches beyond conveyor-belt formulations of mainstream music. "Big Brudda" isn’t merely another beat-driven number designed for immediate consumption but rather serves itself up as a considerable feast — thoughtfully prepped with intricate nuances to peruse upon each revisit. Served hot on today's music platter by chef Strongman himself, your ears are in for a dish you’ll savor time and again before eagerly anticipating his next course. Follow Daniel Strongman on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and TikTok.
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i’m so glad i got to grow up around the aunties who loved love and hip hop atlanta they gave me unlimited bad bitch music in the 2010s
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in the city of angels.
NAME: Asha Dean FACE CLAIM: Chloe Bailey AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 25 & April 17th, 1997 HOMETOWN: Atlanta, Georgia TIME IN LOS ANGELES: Two years NEIGHBORHOOD: Santa Monica OCCUPATION: Exotic dancer, OnlyFans model, waitress
trigger warning: abortion
Born to Eric Dean, a well known film director, and Jasmine Dean, a retired model, Asha Dean is the eldest of the Dean children with a younger sister following three years behind her. Being the oldest, Asha had first born privileges - being that her parents were still trying to figure it all out. So, she got away with quite a bit and of course, was spoiled endlessly. She, and her sister, were Eric and Jasmine’s pride and joy.
Growing up, Asha lived a life of luxury in Atlanta, going to all the best schools, training in dance, piano, and voice, competing in beauty pageants and the like. She was what many in the ‘A’ would call black royalty. Not actually royal of course but in the circles she ran in, she was that girl and she lived for it.
Then as those rebellious teenage years hit things took a turn. She was of course still that girl but she was now that girl with raging hormones. And being the girl everyone wanted to either be or be with, she had her options when it came to a dating pool. Unfortunately for her parents though, Asha didn’t like the suit wearing, classy, upstanding boys from her private school. Nope. She liked the roughnecks, the bad boys, the guys with the motorcycle and tattoos.
And that’s exactly who she fell for. Everything her parents hated. He was a little older, tall, handsome, tatted up, and drove a Camaro. Oh, to say she was swooning was an understatement. She fell and she fell hard. So hard, that at 17 she got pregnant. Her parents were furious with her. They forced her to break up with her boyfriend and they quietly handled the situation. However, that wasn’t enough.
Right after graduation, they put her out. Disowned. She was on her own and had to fend for herself. At this point, her ex-boyfriend was long gone but luckily, she was able to stay with a friend for a few months as she figured things out. Figuring things out turned into OnlyFans really quickly. No, she wasn’t doing full on porn or anything. She was just modeling in the skimpiest outfits you could think of. And it worked. She was making a killing.
After a while, she made a few friends from OnlyFans and learned that on top of the website, a lot of them were also working as exotic dancers. Pft. She could do that in her sleep. She was trained in ballet, tap, hip-hop, modern, and contemporary. Shaking her ass and doing tricks on a pole was light work. Or so she thought. It was actually much harder than she ever imagined. It took training and actual skill. Real strength. But over time, she learned and actually got really good at it.
So, that was her life now. She didn’t speak to her parents much, if at all, but she was still in secret contact with her little sister. That’s one thing her parents couldn’t take away from her. The connection she and her mini-me had.
After a few years, Asha decided that she was ready for a fresh start. She wanted to rid herself of that scarlet letter and just start anew where no one knew her. What better place than Los Angeles. It was bustling constantly and so full of life and character. It was a place where she was a nobody and she could change the narrative. She moved to the city and found a nice little apartment in Santa Monica and settled in. After a few months, she got situated at a new club to dance and found her footing. She also got a job on the side working as a waitress. Now, two years later, she’s applied to UCLA to finally get her MBA in Business Administration because she has dreams of opening up her very own dance studio one day.
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Remembering James Brown (1933-2006)

Remembering James Brown (1933-2006)Best Sheet Music download from our Library.DiscographyStudio albumsFilmographyPlease, subscribe to our Library.James Brown Greatest Hits Full Album - Best Songs Of James BrownBrowse in the Library:
Remembering James Brown (1933-2006)
James Brown (b. May 3, 1933, Barnwell, S.C., U.S.—d. Dec. 25, 2006, Atlanta, Ga.), known as “the Godfather of Soul,” American singer,songwriter, arranger, and dancer, was one of the most important and influential entertainers in 20th-century popular music. His remarkable achievements earned him the sobriquet “the Hardest-Working Man in Show Business.”

Brown was raised mainly in Augusta, Ga., by his great aunt, who took him in at about the age of five when his parents divorced. Growing up in the segregated South during the Great Depression of the 1930s, Brown was so impoverished that he was sent home from grade school for “insufficient clothes,” an experience that he never forgot and that perhaps explains his penchant as an adult for wearing ermine coats, velour jumpsuits, elaborate capes, and conspicuous gold jewelry.

Neighbors taught him how to play drums, piano, and guitar, and he learned about gospel music in churches and at tent revivals, where preachers would scream, yell, stomp their feet, and fall to their knees during sermons to provoke responses from the congregation. At age 15 Brown and some companions were arrested while breaking into cars. He was sentenced to 8 to 16 years of incarceration but was released after 3 years for good behavior. While at the Alto Reform School, he formed a gospel group. Subsequently, secularized and renamed the Flames (later the Famous Flames), it soon attracted the attention of rhythm-and-blues and rock-and-roll shouter Little Richard, whose manager helped promote the group. Intrigued by their demo record, Ralph Bass, the artists -and-repertoire man for the King label, brought the group to Cincinnati, Ohio, to record for King Records’ subsidiary Federal. Brown’s first recording, “Please, Please, Please” (1956) eventually sold three million copies and launched his extraordinary career. Along with placing nearly 100 singles and almost 50 albums on the bestseller charts, Brown broke new ground with two of the first successful “live and in concert” albums—his landmark Live at the Apollo (1963), and his 1964 follow-up, Pure Dynamite! Live at the Royal. During the 1960s, Brown was known as “Soul Brother Number One.” His hit recordings of that decade have often been associated with the emergence of the black aesthetic and black nationalist movements, especially the songs “Say It Loud—I’m Black and I’m Proud” (1968), “Don’t Be a Drop-Out” (1966), and “I Don’t Want Nobody to Give Me Nothin’ (Open Up the Door, I’ll Get It Myself)” (1969). In the 1970s, Brown became “the Godfather of Soul,” and his hit songs stimulated several dance crazes and were featured on the soundtracks of a number of “blaxploitation” films (sensational, low-budget, action oriented motion pictures with African American protagonists). When hip-hop emerged as a viable commercial music in the 1980s, Brown’s songs again assumed center stage as hip-hop disc jockeys frequently incorporated samples (audio snippets) from his records. He also appeared in several motion pictures, including The Blues Brothers (1980) and Rocky IV (1985), and attained global status as a celebrity, especially in Africa, where his tours attracted enormous crowds and generated a broad range of new musical fusions.

Yet Brown’s life continued to be marked by difficulties, including the tragic death of his third wife, charges of drug use, and a period of imprisonment for a 1988 high-speed highway chase in which he tried to escape pursuing police officers. Brown’s uncanny ability to “scream” on key, to sing soulful slow ballads as well as electrifying up-tempo tunes, to plumb the rhythmic possibilities of the human voice and instrumental accompaniment, and to blend blues, gospel, jazz, and country vocal styles together made him one of the most influential vocalists of the 20th century. His extraordinary dance routines featuring deft deployment of microphones and articles of clothing as props, acrobatic leaps, full-impact knee landings, complex rhythmic patterns, dazzling footwork, dramatic entrances, and melodramatic exits redefined public performance within popular music and inspired generations of imitators (not the least Michael Jackson). His careful attention to every aspect of his shows, from arranging songs to supervising sidemen, from negotiating performance fees to selecting costumes, guaranteed his audiences a uniformly high level of professionalism every night and established a precedent in artistic autonomy. In the course of an extremely successful commercial career, Brown’s name was associated with an extraordinary number and range of memorable songs, distinctive dance steps, formative fashion trends, and even significant social issues. A skilled dancer and singer with an extraordinary sense of timing, Brown played a major role in bringing rhythm to the foreground of popular music. In addition to providing melody and embellishment, the horn players in his bands functioned as a rhythm section (they had to think like drummers), and musicians associated with him (Jimmy Nolan, Bootsy Collins, Fred Wesley, and Maceo Parker) have played an important role in creating the core vocabulary and grammar of funk music. Brown was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1986. Discography For an extended list of albums, compilations, and charting singles, see James Brown discography on the Wikipedia. Studio albums Please Please Please (1958) Try Me! (1959) Think! (1960) The Amazing James Brown (1961) James Brown and His Famous Flames Tour the U.S.A. (1962) Prisoner of Love (1963) Showtime (1964) Grits & Soul (1964) Out of Sight (1964) James Brown Plays James Brown Today & Yesterday (1965) Mighty Instrumentals (1966) James Brown Plays New Breed (The Boo-Ga-Loo) (1966) James Brown Sings Christmas Songs (1966) Handful of Soul (1966) James Brown Sings Raw Soul (1967) James Brown Plays the Real Thing (1967) Cold Sweat (1967) I Can't Stand Myself When You Touch Me (1968) I Got the Feelin' (1968) James Brown Plays Nothing But Soul (1968) Thinking About Little Willie John and a Few Nice Things (1968) A Soulful Christmas (1968) Say It Loud – I'm Black and I'm Proud (1969) Gettin' Down to It (1969) The Popcorn (1969) It's a Mother (1969) Ain't It Funky (1970) Soul on Top (1970) It's a New Day – Let a Man Come In (1970) Hey America (1970) Sho Is Funky Down Here (1971) Hot Pants (1971) There It Is (1972) Get on the Good Foot (1972) Black Caesar (1973) Slaughter's Big Rip-Off (1973) The Payback (1973) Hell (1974) Reality (1974) Sex Machine Today (1975) Everybody's Doin' the Hustle & Dead on the Double Bump (1975) Hot (1976) Get Up Offa That Thing (1976) Bodyheat (1976) Mutha's Nature (1977) Jam 1980's (1978) Take a Look at Those Cakes (1978) The Original Disco Man (1979) People (1980) Soul Syndrome (1980) Nonstop! (1981) Bring It On! (1983) Gravity (1986) I'm Real (1988) Love Over-Due (1991) Universal James (1993) I'm Back (1998) The Merry Christmas Album (1999) The Next Step (2002) Filmography The T.A.M.I. Show (1964) (concert film) – himself (with the Famous Flames) Ski Party (1965) – himself (with the Famous Flames) James Brown: Man to Man (1968) (concert film) – himself The Phynx (1970) – himself Black Caesar (1973) (soundtrack only) Slaughter's Big Rip-Off (1973) (soundtrack only) The Blues Brothers (1980) – Reverend Cleophus James Doctor Detroit (1983) – himself, the Bandleader Rocky IV (1985) – The Godfather of Soul Miami Vice (1987) – Lou De Long James Brown: Live in East Berlin (1989) – himself The Simpsons (1993) – himself (voice) When We Were Kings (1996) (documentary) – himself Duckman (1997) – Hostage Negotiator (voice) Soulmates (1997) – himself Blues Brothers 2000 (1998) – Reverend Cleophus James Holy Man (1998) – himself Undercover Brother (2002) – himself The Tuxedo (2002) – himself The Hire: Beat the Devil (2002) (short film) – himself Paper Chasers (2003) (documentary) – himself Soul Survivor (2003) (documentary) – himself Sid Bernstein Presents (2005) (documentary) – himself Glastonbury (2006) (documentary) – himself Life on the Road with Mr. and Mrs. Brown (2007) (documentary; release pending) – himself Live at the Boston Garden: April 5, 1968 (2008) (concert film) – himself I Got The Feelin': James Brown in the '60s, three-DVD set featuring Live at the Boston Garden: April 5, 1968, Live at the Apollo '68 (DVD version of James Brown: Man to Man), and the documentary The Night James Brown Saved Boston Soul Power (2009) (documentary) – himself (archive footage) Get on Up (2014) – himself (archive footage)
James Brown Greatest Hits Full Album - Best Songs Of James Brown

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Title: The Life and Journey of Offset: A Hip-Hop Icon’s Rise to Stardom
Offset, born Kiari Kendrell Cephus on December 14, 1991, in Lawrenceville, Georgia, is one of the most influential figures in modern hip-hop. As a member of the Grammy-nominated hip-hop trio Migos, Offset has helped redefine the genre with his distinctive style, contribution to trap music, and powerful collaborations. His rise to fame, both as part of Migos and as a solo artist, is a testament to his talent, dedication, and ability to stay relevant in a constantly evolving music industry.
Early Life: The Roots of Offset’s Musical Journey
Offset’s story begins in Lawrenceville, Georgia, where he was born and raised. He grew up in a musical family, and from an early age, he developed a passion for hip-hop. Inspired by artists such as OutKast, Lil Wayne, and Jeezy, Offset’s love for rap music was nurtured by the rich southern hip-hop culture that surrounded him. He was particularly influenced by the works of influential Atlanta-based groups and solo artists who were shaping the future of southern rap.
Offset was raised by his mother, and his early years were marked by some challenges. Growing up in a tough environment with a lack of stability, Offset had to navigate through difficult circumstances, which shaped his outlook on life and music. These experiences would later fuel much of the raw emotion and grit that permeates his lyrics and performance style.
In his teenage years, Offset met Quavo and Takeoff, his future Migos collaborators, and they quickly bonded over their shared love of rap. The trio began recording together and formed Migos, which would later become one of the most successful rap groups of the 21st century.
Migos: Revolutionizing Hip-Hop with "Versace" and "Bad and Boujee"
Migos’ breakthrough moment came in 2013 when they released the hit single “Versace.” This track not only showcased their unique flow and ad-libs but also introduced the world to their signature "triplet flow," a fast-paced, rapid-fire delivery that would go on to influence a generation of artists. “Versace” was a hit, and it quickly gained traction in the hip-hop world, paving the way for Migos’ meteoric rise.
However, it was Migos' 2016 anthem "Bad and Boujee" that truly cemented their place in hip-hop history. The song became a cultural phenomenon, topping the Billboard Hot 100 chart and earning Migos global recognition. Offset’s verse on the track, combined with his energetic presence, helped propel him into the spotlight as a respected lyricist within the group.
While Migos achieved success as a collective, Offset’s own journey as an individual artist began to take shape. The group released multiple albums, including “Culture” (2017), “Culture II” (2018), and “Culture III” (2021), each of which built upon their signature sound while incorporating new influences. The trio’s ability to blend traditional trap music with catchy hooks, compelling beats, and intricate wordplay made them pioneers in the genre.
Offset’s Solo Career and Personal Growth
Despite Migos’ success, Offset began to carve out his own path as a solo artist. In 2019, he released his debut solo album Father of 4, which received critical acclaim. The album featured a more introspective side of Offset, as he explored his personal life, including his relationships, fatherhood, and struggles with his past. Tracks like “Red Room” and “Lick” allowed fans to see a different side of Offset, showing that he was more than just the flashy persona many associated with Migos.
“Father of 4” showcased Offset’s evolution as an artist, proving that he could stand on his own while still maintaining the essence of his signature style. The album’s success marked a new chapter in Offset’s career, as he proved he was capable of more than just being part of a successful group.
In addition to his music career, Offset has become a prominent figure in the fashion world. Known for his bold and unique sense of style, Offset has frequently been seen attending high-profile events and collaborating with major fashion brands. His influence extends beyond music, as he uses his platform to advocate for social issues, including racial equality and criminal justice reform.
Personal Life: Offset’s Relationship with Cardi B and Fatherhood
Offset’s personal life has also played a significant role in shaping his public image. Perhaps one of the most talked-about aspects of his life is his relationship with rapper Cardin B. The two began dating in 2017, and their whirlwind
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Zonnique Pullins (born March 20, 1996) aka Miss Star, is a teen R&B singer who formed one-third of the girl group OMG Girlz alongside Bahja Rodriguez and Breaunna Womack. She has worked as a solo artist, releasing songs like “Pretty Hustle.”
She was born in Atlanta to Tameka “Tiny” Harris and Zonnie Pullins. She is the stepdaughter of T.I.
In 2017, she began starring on the reality TV show Growing Up Hip Hop: Atlanta. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #womenshistorymonth
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Rich Kidz: Pioneers of Atlanta’s Rap Scene
Emerging from the inner city streets of Atlanta, Georgia, Rich Kidz has carved out a unique niche in the rap and hip-hop genre. Growing up in various parts of Atlanta including the iconic Bankhead Highway, now known as Donald Lee Hollowell Parkway, the group has roots that run deep in their community, bringing authenticity and passion to their music. Musical Influences and Style Rich Kidz draws…
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This Ain’t My Culture, It’s My Religion
After Eminem took hip-hop from gangsta culture to pop culture the genre blossomed. Its roots might come from New York, LA and Atlanta’s hoods, it was two middle-class creatives from Chicago and Toronto who took the genre to dominate charts in the 2010’s.
Both Eminem and 50 Cent had peaked by the mid-2000’s while Jay-Z retired when he was at the top of his game in 2004, only to return 2 years later. Jay is renowned as one of the greatest, he is a favourite for hip-hop purists and casual listeners and rarely releases a disappointing record but it was his beatmaker who took the culture to different places.
Typically, rappers come from low-income neighborhoods, they are storytellers and they tend to talk about their struggles. Kanye West’s ego was too big for him to sit in the back for other artists but nobody was taking the art school kid seriously as a rapper. It has been 20 years since his debut and we’ve learned that he might not have a sob story to tell but he can talk about himself.
Jay Z had a clothing line, several successful businesses and a famous wife but it was always about the culture, Kanye, from Chicago looked at everything differently, and he did everything differently. He called George W. Bush a racist and had his first (but not his last) public controversy with Taylor Swift before he had reached stardom levels. You can hear how the backlash (and the death of his mother) affected him on 808s & Heartbreak, a weird, but influential album where Kanye reinvented himself and hip-hop. He was never credited as being the greatest rapper, but he won his plaudits for his artistry, his fashion and visuals, his delivery was bolder than anyone else had achieved before. It was like going from black and white tv to colour.
2010 was a defining year as he proved his worth with the decadent and bombastic album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, this was the followed up with Watch The Throne, a collaboration album with Jay Z then he started dating Kim Kardashian, by 2012 Kanye West was one of the most famous and successful people of his generation.
In the same year that Kanye released My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, Canada’s actor-turned-rapper Drake released his debut, Thank Me Later. Where Kanye was creative-not-gangsta, Drake was just “nice” but he went on to write songs that clogged up mainstream radio and became hip hop’s first pop star.
The beginning of the 2010’s was a golden era for hip hop as Kendrick Lamar, Tyler, the Creator, ASAP Rocky, J. Cole, Chance the Rapper and Vince Staples all broke through with their unique takes on a culture that was changing. Kendrick and Cole were known as the “political” rappers, Tyler was “controversial”, Vince was “funny” and Chance was “independent”. Obviously there was more to them than this but it was the first time black people were given a voice as social media helped them share their messages
Kendrick, from Compton, wasn’t in gangs growing up, but he had family members and close friends die in gang-related disputes so when he succeeded, he struggled to be looked at as a savior. Alright, from his jazz-fuelled album, To Pimp A Butterfly went on to become the soundtrack for Black Lives Matter marches.
Tyler, the Creator, also from LA was very different to Kendrick, where Kendrick comfortably spoke about racism or hip-hop’s roots, Tyler was goofy and loud. He grew up worshipping Eminem and his early material mirrored it as he used characters to speak about controversial subjects, these songs, written by teenager Tyler were taken out of context and led to him being banned from Australia and the UK.
Each album has seen Tyler touch different influences, after the punk-infused Cherry Bomb he went accessible on Flower Boy before the critically acclaimed Igor but it wasn’t his until 7th album, Call Me If You Get Lost when he was being applauded for being a rapper.
Tyler, like Kanye is a creative, he has a clothing line (and designed for Louis Vuitton), has his own festival and produced tv shows. Vince Staples has a Netflix series and Chance the Rapper released his first 3 “mixtapes” himself. This generation have shown black people they can leave their past and win. In 2017 hip-hop became to most popular genre for the first time, it might not sound like it did it the ‘80’s, but every genre evolves, the gatekeepers need to support new talent instead of criticising them if they can’t name 5 Tupac songs.
Kanye and Drake also helped London’s grime scene in the mid-2010’s after it had disappeared from the mainstream for a few years.
JME was still representing that iconic fast flow of grime while Giggs was rapping to a different beat, and, as grime was the UK sound for ‘urban culture’, any UK rap was automatically being labelled ‘grime’, when in reality there was more sub cultures developing including UK drill and road rap while dubstep was enjoying time in the limelight following the EDM movement in the late 2000’s.
Wiley, Dizzee, Skepta and Kano had already laid the foundations of grime when they were the cream of the crop in the early 2000’s but it was the two US heavyweights who helped the revival and a second generation followed.
On the afternoon of the 2015 Brit Awards Kanye West, who was set to perform messaged Skepta, asking him to bring 30 of his guys to the ceremony. On the night everyone from Stormzy, Fekky, Krept & Konan, Novelist and more joined the US rapper as he played new song All Day. 30 black men, from London, dressed in black proved to be a powerful statement, leading to a ‘Karen’ complaining, the quote features on Skepta’s track, Shutdown.
“A bunch of young men all dressed in black, dancing extremely aggressively on stage It made me feel so intimidated and it's just not What I expect to see on prime-time TV”
Grime and the ‘New Rock Revolution’ share similarities. The Strokes broke through but they didn’t see a route to success, once they broke down the doors others, such as The Killers, Kings Of Leon and Vampire Weekend looked at The Strokes and had something to strive for. Wiley, Dizzee, etc… had opened up the opportunity for the next generation to take the genre to the next level and they did just that, but this time Skepta was the pied piper, who had the support from Drake too.
Following in the footsteps of grime’s first generation (most from East London), the 2010’s saw a group of young black Brits (mostly from South London) use grime as a platform for success and positivity. Stormzy quickly moved onto a more commercial path and became part of the first generation of UK rap superstars.
Where the first generation built a following from pirate radio and performing in underground club nights while building a community in record shops, this new wave of artists were very much online. Stormzy’s freestyles ranked up millions of views on YouTube without a record deal while others used social media to gain fans. These kids grew up with the internet, they are savvy when it comes to business and would rather stay independent and do things on their own terms, not sell themselves to a major record label.
In November 2017 Form 696 was removed which made it easier to perform in London and grime artists could sell out huge venues with ease. They’ve also become festival favourites, Wireless has evolved to showcase the best in UK rap while stages at Glastonbury, Reading and Leeds are populated with artists from grime, drill and rap, often overlooking US hip hop stars for homegrown talent.
This was a very different era and the artists took control of their destiny. To be a success in music you’ve got to be more than just a musician, this generation were aiming to do it on their own terms, which requires business skills too and it didn’t take long for these teens to become self-made millionaires. Stormzy is Dizzee and Wiley’s legacy, Stormzy’s legacy will be broader than just UK rappers. When young black Brits can see the likes of Stormzy do it, it inspires a generation.
In the space of 4 years, Stormzy went from recording Shut Up, in a park with friends and uploading it to YouTube (over 130 million views in less than 10 years) to headline Glastonbury (after releasing 1 album), then he went on to sell out arena tours, his own festival and criticise politicans on race issues. Dave has followed in his path and there will be a constant feed of British black artists coming through.
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Andre 3000 Merch
André Lauren Benjamin, better known as André 3000, was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Growing up in a culturally rich environment, he developed a passion for music at a young age. This passion would eventually lead him to become one half of the renowned southern hip hop duo OutKast, alongside his close friend and collaborator, Big Boi. The duo formed in 1992 and quickly became icons in the music industry. Explore the vibrant world of Andre 3000's unique merchandise, where fans can find authentic clothing and collectibles that reflect the artist's eclectic style and creativity. From t-shirts to hoodies and iconic accessories featuring memorable quotes and motifs, there’s something for everyone. Buy Andre 3000 Merch Here!
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